
Marpak Services

Marpak is a fresh and dynamic company which was established and which has grown over time thanks to the commitment and work of its staff.

The company's strong point is the indisputable expertise of its staff and the motivation that drives them to always strive for excellence.

Building complex machines, in very short amounts of time, that fulfil customer requirements is our objective and the satisfaction of our partners.

To reach our objectives, we have put in place:

Marpak Services

An extensive sales network

Set up around the world, which works in the spirit of professionalism and service to the customer. .
The customer always has a reliable sales agent at their side, ready to advise them on the most suitable solution for his/her needs.

Marpak Services

Complete and professional after-sales service

Our work does not end with a sale, rather, it continues with a sound on-site after-sales and assistance service, to ensure constant productivity without any machine downtime.

Marpak Services

Technical office and lay out development and development of personalised ad hoc projects for the customer

Marpak has created a technical design office dedicated to preparing complete and personalised lay-outs.
Our consulting, design, project management and assistance management services are created specifically to allow the customer to reach his/her objectives.

Marpak Services

Same-day technical and system installation assistance service, including days before public holidays and even public holidays

Marpak offers a continuous assistance service where specialised technicians are ready, at the service of the customer, to resolve any emergency.

Marpak Services

Internal and external overhaul/maintenance service and spare parts service

Marpak makes a team of select and expert technicians available to the customer, are able to provide prompt and efficient installation, repair and maintenance (scheduled and non-scheduled) services.
It supplies machines and spare parts along with an efficient, dedicated technical service.

Marpak Services

Administrative service

Our administrative service provides supporting and consulting activities to administration and accounting so that they are carried out in an integrated and on-going manner, providing assistance to the customer-companies.